About Me

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I am a rising senior at Vanderbilt University majoring in "Music, Language, and Culture." I am a guitar teacher of three years at W.O. Smith and have been heavily involved in music since the age of six. I play the piano, violin, guitar, sing, write songs, arrange, and compose. I have participated in youth symphonies, touring high school symphonies, chamber groups, quartets, A Capella groups, and summer music conservatories. It's an honor to be a part of W.O. Smith!


Class 5 Reflection

Basics of Music Creation class number 5 is water under the bridge. The students told me that the assignment was a lot easier and more fun, but they still had homework left undone. I think that if this class is going to be successful in the fall, it would be best to format the scheduling a different way. My idea is to have the class meet twice a week instead of just one. For example, the class could meet on Monday and Thursday at the same time. On Mondays, the class would be taught new information. The homework would be to do the assignment pack that reiterates the concepts, and to write an original composition using those concepts. (This is the same type of homework that I am giving them now.) On Thursday, the compositions would be played in class and the homework would be checked. This is time when the instructor could provide individual attention to students who need help learning and practicing the concepts, and it wouldn't cut into lesson time. Another perk of having class two times a week is to get the kids to the school. Many of my current students have told me that they simply cannot practice at home. Their home lives are busy, and they often share a room with someone else. This is why half of my class comes early - so that they can practice in a quiet place. If students were coming to the school for an additional hour, they could also come earlier or later and have a quiet place to practice. Here is the lesson plan for class 5: 

Class 5 Plan

Previous Assignment

Each student was to have completed the following assignment in addition to completing the packet’s written homework:
1)    Keep up with your idea journal. Write three new ideas for songs.
2)    Do the packet. Call if you don’t understand something. Cayla’s number is xxx.xxx.xxxx.
3)    Write a new composition/song/piece. Here are the guidelines:
·      Pick either GROUP 1 or GROUP 2 from the previous page.
·      Write the chord progression in the bass clef.
·      Label the chords above and below the clef, just like on the previous page. 
·      Write a melody in the treble clef.
·      Label the fingerings in the right hand.
·      Practice your new piece.
·      Write the transposition of your piece in F and in G on the same sheet of paper.
4)    Bonus: Come up with a new group of chords using the chords listed on the “Chords in C” page. To write a new composition using this new group of chords, follow steps 2 through 7 above.

Lesson Plan

·      Make copies of all new and revised compositions, and all arrangements of radio songs. Hand out to students while students warm up and review materials.
·      Have students play new compositions/songs in front of class. Discuss.
·      Have students play revised compositions/songs in front of class. Discuss.
·      Have students play arrangements in front of the class. Discuss
·      Discuss idea journal. Read ideas aloud. Have students pick at least one idea from someone else and write it down in their idea journal. Encourage them to borrow ideas from people, and to give those people credit.
·      Homework check. Students who understand concepts well help students who do not understand concepts well.
·      Ear training. Play a chord on the piano. Have students put their headphones on and play the chord in the left hand. Tell them to think of the name of the chord. When they have their finders on the right notes and know the name of the chord, they raise their right hand. When everyone has their right hand raised, ask them what the name of the chord is and have them all play it together.
·      New lesson: Chord progressions. New assignment pack handed out.
·      Assignment read aloud by students in class and discussed.
Extra time: play a four bar melody on the piano. Ask students to put on their headphones, figure out how to play the melody in the right hand, and write it down on staff paper. Once all students have done this and we have checked it, play chords in the left hand. Have students put their headphones back on and play the same chords in the left hand. Have students write the chords down and label them. Check this. have students try to play both parts together. This is a chance to explain the standard four bar phrase.


Each student is to complete the following assignment in addition to completing the packet’s written homework:
1)  Keep up with your idea journal. Write three new ideas for songs.
2)  Practice all of the chord progressions in C, both hands together. Play at least the first page in the key of G. Play at least the first page in the key of F.
3)  Write a new composition/song/piece. Here are the guidelines:
·      Pick four chord progressions from this lesson.
·      Write the chord progressions for both hands on the next page.
·      Label the chords above and below the clef, just like on the previous page. 
·      Sing a melody over the chord progressions.
·      Give your piece a name, tempo, and copyright.
·      Practice your new piece. Play it perfectly! Play and sing it for three different people!
Bonus: Transpose your new piece to the key of G. Transpose your new piece to the key of F. Write it out and practice it!