About Me

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I am a rising senior at Vanderbilt University majoring in "Music, Language, and Culture." I am a guitar teacher of three years at W.O. Smith and have been heavily involved in music since the age of six. I play the piano, violin, guitar, sing, write songs, arrange, and compose. I have participated in youth symphonies, touring high school symphonies, chamber groups, quartets, A Capella groups, and summer music conservatories. It's an honor to be a part of W.O. Smith!


Week 7 Reflection

This past week has been interesting. I realized that I don't necessarily have all of the answers. I also have a new found appreciation for teachers. I had no idea that so much time went into planning for a class. For each hour in the classroom, there is at least five hours of planning. Also, I have clarified my goals for this class. Yes, my goals on paper are to teach students how to play the piano so that they can record their creative ideas. No, this is not the only goal. My unwritten and overriding goals for this class is to empower students by enabling musical creativity. I don't really care at the end of the day whether or not they retain everything, or whether or not they can recite everything perfectly like little robots. I want them to be proud of themselves, and to feel empowered. My personal relationship with them plays a key role in their empowerment. I typed my personal phone number into their assignments so that they could call me if they didn't understand something or needed help. I want them to feel like I'm here for them. They know that this is the only thing that I'm doing this summer. I want them to know that I'm doing this for them.